- Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm-dusk we shoot skeet in 2 fully lit skeet fields.
- Sunday mornings at 9:30am-1:00pm we shoot skeet, trap and sporting clays. We try to get 5 people together before we set out on the sporting clays course.
- We are open to the public for Skeet, 5 Stand, and sporting clays. We do allow 7.5 shot on Trap; on all others we allow size 8 but prefer that 9 is used.
Trap, Skeet & Sporting Clays Committee
The Trap, Skeet & Sporting Clays Committee is responsible for monitoring and organizing maintenance and use of all Trap, Skeet & Sporting Clays facilities, activities and events as well as to providing training and oversight of range tests and advising the Board of Directors on all range activities, conditions and ongoing needs to maintain a safe and well kept facility.
Chairpersons of all things shotgun:
- Scott Sayers, 508-429-0906
- Ron Maloney, 508-826-5188